Zion Board Directory
Congressional Leadership, 2025

Congregational Officers


Dave Cisler

Recording Secretary

Amber Ruehrup


Paul Miller

Financial Secretary

Lynn Manning

Lay Delegates

Jayne Wells, Darla Ashley

Board of Elders

Meet every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Brian Bond
Glenn Sies
Richard Henry Jr.
Mick Jenkins
Tim Seelbach
Danny Mosser
Blake Bertels
Dick Brown

Ministry to the Pastor

The Ministry to the Pastor for the Board of Elders is to: Pray for the Pastor(s) and other spiritual leaders; Encourage the Pastor(s) in his work by word and by action; Be concerned about temporal welfare of the Pastor(s), organists, parish secretary, and field workers and make recommendations to the Personnel Committee regarding salaries and other material consideration; In consultation with the Pastor, hire, supervise, and outline the duties of the parish secretary, organists, and field workers

Ministry to Members

The Ministry to the Members of Zion is to: Insure that the congregation functions in accordance with the established doctrine of the Church; Recommend to the Church Council and the Voters' Assembly the appropriate action regarding admission into the communicant membership or the termination of communicant membership as such cases arise; Take spiritual charge and oversight of the familial groupings assigned to them in liaision with the Pastor(s) and other concerned boards of the congregation; Engage in continual review of communion and church attendance of all members, make calls on deliquents, follow-up on all newborn children in the congregation until they are baptized; Personally and patiently admonish those who neglect the Word of God and thSacrament of Holy Communion, or who err in Christian doctrine in Christian conduct; Encourage spiritual programs in the societies of the congregation generally; Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Finance; Discover social needs of individuals in the congregation and endeavor to respond to these needs directly or by referring people needing help to the appropriate agency or institution.

Ministry of Worship

The Ministry of Worship is to: Be responsible for a friendly personal welcome of visitors and members; Supervise organists, choirs, and other musicians; supervise budgeted purchases for approriate music and other related matterspertaining to the ministry of music; Provide for vicars, assistants, subsitute pastors, and guest speakers as needed; Supervise the staff of ushering; Assist the Pastor(s) with communion distribution, reading of scripture, preaching as requested; Set the time schedule and number of communion services in conjuction with the Pastor(s) and the Voting Membership; Approve and disapprove new forms of worship, liturgies, and hymns for use in public worship; Supervise the Altar Guild in their maintenance of the sacred vessels, altar, altar furnishings, vestments; keeping adequate supply of worship items (communion cards, pencils, wine, wafers, baptismal napkins, candles), and coordinating all church and chancel decorations an distribution of flowers; Plan and publicize the services for the year.

Board of Christian Day School

Meet every second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm
Amber DaGama Rose
Angie Schulmeister
Jim Blessman
Babs Binney
Stuart Fraser
Rob France
Dave Wells
Jamie Crouch
Principal (Advisory)

About the Board

Putting our faith in Christ to lead us is the way the Board of Christian Day School operates. God has blessed our school with an excellent staff, principal, and a church family which supports its mission...Preparing today's learners to be tomorrow's Christian leaders.

We are also blessed to have school families who support the school through the Parent/Teacher League (PTL) and other forms of volunteering.

We encourage all who are interested to contact any of the staff and/or school board members to find out more about Zion Lutheran School.

Board of Evangelism

Meet every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Nicki Sies
Elisabeth Wyatt
Stacy Jarmin
Heather Girardin
Peggy Kuethe
Bailey Moore
Carol Bond

Basic Objectives

The basic objectives are the bringing of the Gospel to the unchurched, the enlightment of all of God's people in the work of witnessing the Gospel, and the deepening of the faith and activity of the members of this congregation.

Greeters & Ushers

If you would like to be an usher or greeter, please give us a call.

Board of Stewardship

Meet every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm
Jeanne Cooper
Dwayne Heim
Danielle Campbell
Kim Williams
Deanna Taylor
Ruth Ann Henke
David Manning

Basic Objectives

The basic objectives of this board are to insure the financial stability of the congregation and its work, initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to treasure, time and talents, and to encourage dedicated, proportionate, first-fruits giving, and to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for work of Christ's Kingdom.

Stewardship of Treasures

The Bible teaches that first-fruit giving will be a blessing to the giver. The Board of Stewardship will be working through the LCMS "Congregational Stewardship Workbook" so that they can better internalize this truth and can then help others in the congregation do the same. There are many bible verses that address the subject of stewardship. Some examples are: Gen. 2:15, Ps. 24:1, John 13:34-35, Matt. 25-31-46, Phil 3:12-14.

Stewardship of Time

Zion offers many opportunities to serve others. Some positions available are Ushers, Alter Guild, Board member, Live Nativity member, and many others. Whether you want to be a workerbee, you are always welcome.

Stewardship of Talents

Zion has many established areas for each person to use their talents as a gift to the Lord. There is an established choir ministry available for all ages. The Handbell choir can always use new members and would love to expand. Special music talent such as solos, duets, and musical instruments are always a special addition to any event. If your area of expertise is not established at Zion, new ideas for ministry are always needed.

Resource Links

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod   www.lcmsfoundation.org
Christian Stewardship Organization   www.stewardship.org
Lutheran Brotherhood   www.luthbro.com

Board of Parish Education

Meet every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm
Rachel Mosser
Elisabeth Wyatt
Barb Brackman
Susan Fletcher
Heather France

Basic Objectives

The basic objectives of this board shall be the promotion of Christian Education for all age levels. It shall plan a general education program for the whole parish except Christian Day School and set up and promote such agencies as may be needed from time to time for effective Christian nurture.

Board Responsibilities

Responsibilities for this Board include:  Sunday School, Adult Education, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, After School Programs, Cradle Roll, Church Library & Youth Group.

Parish Ed. School & Studies

Sundays 9:15-10:15 am
Age 3 - 8th Grade - Meet in the school gym for opening before being dismissed to classroom
High School Youth - Parish Center Basement
Adult Bible Study - Pastor Joel Fritsche, School Cafeteria
Thursdays 9:30 - 10:30 am
Bible study conducted by Pastor Fritsche in the Parish Center Conference room and anyone is invited to attend.
Saturdays 8:30 am
Women's Bible Study in the Parish Center

Resource Links

Bible Study Aids: bible.christiansunite.com
Devotionals: devotional.net

Board of Trustees

Meet every first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
Craig Neuhaus
Al Meyer
Roger Ashley
Morrie Fraser
Nathan Hunt


The Board of Trustees is responsible for the care and upkeep of all church property. It is their responsibility to:

  • Make an annual inspection of church properties and equipment, check for fire hazards and comply with fire codes. Also recommend to the Voters Assembly needed repairs, improvements, or replacements.
  • Carry out all resolutions of the Voters Assembly on purchases, repairs, and replacement of church property and equipment.
  • See to it that the insurance program is properly maintained.
  • Enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping and other projects.
  • Arrange for immediate repairs of an urgent nature and all normal repairs and alterations for which budget funds have been allocated.
  • Screen and interview applicants for the position of church custodian when a vacancy occurs and make recommendation to the Voters Assembly for hiring. The custodian is accountable to the Board of Trustees.

The Zion Complex

The Zion Complex consists of the church which was established in 1847. A new church building was erected in 1904 which is the present place of worship. The school building which was erected in 1910, houses preschool through 8th grade. A new gymnasium was added on in 1982. The gym is used for basketball, volleyball, and various church sales, special church services, New Year's Eve parties and various other church functions. The new Parish Center was completed in 1989. It consists of 2 pastoral offices, the church office, work room and conference room. Its lower level houses a youth meeting room, nursery, kitchen and quilting room. In addition, Zion Lutheran also has a Parsonage and Teacherage within the same complex for the senior pastor and school principal. The Parsonage was built in 1927 and is a spacious 2 story brick house. The Teacherage was built in 1964 and is a single brick ranch style home.

Board of Youth Ministry

Meeting times will vary
Jen Davis
Kristi Cook
Elisabeth Wyatt
Renee Carlen

Basic Objectives

The basic objectives of this Board are to involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ, assist in their spiritual growth and nurture, and to promote genuine Christian fellowship for the young people of the congregation. This board shall consist of the elected chairman of the Board and at least three members appointed by him. The term of office shall be for three years with no limit on re-election.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board, either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

  • Promote attendance and involvement of the congregation's youth at all youth activities
  • Provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregation through Bible study, prayer, and Christian service; cooperate with the Board of Parish Education in planning and promoting meaningful and appealing classes and discussion for this purpose
  • Plan and carry out, together with other concerned Boards, a year-round program for the young people of the congregation including social fellowship, recreation, stewardship, evangelism, educational programs, etc.
  • Plan a special event to welcome the newly confirmed young people of the congregation and to invite them to join the young people's groups
  • Provide opportunities for involvement as servants in the life of the community such as civic, school, cultural, humanitarian, recreational, and social groups
  • Provide counseling for the spiritual, moral, social, and vocational development of young people
  • Together with the Board of Parish Education, encourage young people for full-time service in the church as pastors, teachers, and the like
  • For administrative purposes and program development supervise the work of all youth and young adult groups in the congregation
  • Call the congregation's attention to the needs and achievements of our young people
  • Integrate and engage the youth in the total life and work of the congregation
  • Direct and supervise the youth group within the congregation when using its facilities
  • Enlist and provide for the training of leaders for congregational youth organizations
  • Keep informed and promote use of resources for youth ministry
  • Seek ways of promoting communication and understanding between adults and youth of the congregation
  • Keep in touch with youth in college and in military service
  • Cooperate with the circuit youth council and the district youth committee to give youth of the congregation an opportunity for wider Christian service and involvement
  • Submit at the time and in the form required, an annual budget as requested by the Board of Stewardship
*Blue Name Denotes Board Chairman
Pastor and President of the Congregational Advisory Member to Each Board
Rev. 2025-01-23
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