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Family. What does it mean to be a family? We have relatives that annoy us, and we interact with them one way. We have family members that are close to us, and we interact with them another way. Then we've got the other family
members. They're the ones that God has brought across our path at one point or another. They have an incredible distinction of becoming a part of the family we choose. I've got a couple friends like this. Bub, Jason, and Mike have walked long, trying, roads with me. They're family. The kids even refer to them as uncle
. They're my brothers even though we all come from different families. All of us have these friends that are so much more. I love them as much as I love my brother and parents.
We have another family too. It's the family here at Zion. Zion Lutheran Church and School both talk about how we are a family. Our values, founded around Jesus Christ highlight that we are a single family unit. This family is unique too. It's brought together by blood, but not ours. It's brought together by friendship, but once again not by ours. We become chosen by God; for we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). We are brought together by Jesus Christ's shed blood. We are united with Him in death, and being united with Him in His death, by baptism, our connection is by His blood (Romans 6:5). Which means that we are something special at Zion. We are a family not by flesh and blood, but we are a united family by the Holy Spirit bringing us to faith.
In the recent challenges my family has faced, this has been a very real reality. Zion has lifted us up in prayers, and cared for us. You as a family have rallied around us. Zion Lutheran teachers have helped. Zion Lutheran Bible Classes have prayed. The Elders and Chairman of the Congregation have constantly been in touch with me, not to talk about the church, which has happened sometimes, but to see how I am. How my family is. How my parents and brother are. This is a beautiful thing.
This is the challenge though. Like all families, there is history. There's stuff that has occurred to ostracize, to upset. Our families know exactly what button to push to frustrate us, and just what to say to hurt. It's no different at Zion. We are a family with a history. That history is beautiful and rough. So how do we rally around each other? How does Zion come together and do for everyone and the society what was done to me and my family? I think Jesus gives us the answer to this. John 13:34-35 has Jesus telling us that we are to love one another as He loves us. This is His new commandment, and becomes the means by which His people will be known. Loving one another.
At the base of every family, in all of it's peculiar forms is to love each other. Sometimes it's tough love. Sometimes it's loving each other with time at the families happy place. Sometimes it's just enjoying being around each other. As Zion has been unified as a single family through Jesus Christ, we rejoice at what He has done for us. Look for ways that we can care for each other, walk beside each other, and care for one another. Zion unified has been amazing to my family. It's a joy to be a part of the family at Zion. Now we carry this out to everyone as we love each other as Jesus loves us.
As I bring this to a close, I would like to thank each of you for your constant prayers. For reaching out with cards and text messages. For loving myself, my family, parents, and brother with a Christ like love. I pray that we continue to walk together projecting what has been shown to me to Staunton, to Macoupin County, the State of Illinois, the United States, and to the world.
Brothers and sisters, thank you.
Pastor Phil