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December 2003

Immanuel -- God With Us!

by Rev. Nathan Meador

We are off to the races! On behalf of my entire family I would like to thank each and every one of the members of Zion who have been a part of our transition to the community. It has been wonderful to get to greet and meet you as we become acclimated to the congregation and the community. Everything from the preparations for the move, the readiness of the parsonage, the move itself and the outpouring of welcome have made me more certain that the Lord can and will do great things in this new Gospel partnership which He has formed among us!

Many of the members of the congregation have asked that I fill you in a bit on my family and myself. Jill and I have been married for 11 years. Our three children Joseph (7), Bethany (3), and Andrew (11 weeks at the time of this writing) are blessings from God. Jill by gift from God and training is a Lutheran educator. She has served schools in St. Louis, Wausau, WI and Antigo, WI. She has a gift for teaching children in the junior high level language arts. For this year, she is planning on serving as a stay-at-home mom, while mixing in some substitute teaching and starting a home business selling Pampered Chef. (Talk with her about that!!!)

Joseph turned 7 the day we unloaded the moving truck. He is showing a strong ability in playing keyboard. At this time, his ultimate dream is to play the organ. He is now settling in Mrs. Moehle's second grade class.

Bethany is three going on thirty. She is very opinionated and stubborn. (That is a genetic curse from her dad!) She has her heart set on starting dance class. Mrs Kleckner's pre-K class is also a place she longs to be.

Andrew, our newest child, is a very good baby. There have been times that he has been so good that we almost forget that there is a baby in the house. (I wonder why we never forget that there is a baby in the house at 5 AM?) He is getting to the point where he wants to be holding up his head. He just recently discovered that he can make his hands go in his mouth. (I just hope that he waits a while to develop his dad's ability to stick his foot in his mouth!!)

As most know, this is home territory for me. I was born and raised in Edwardsville. After graduation from MELHS in 1998, I headed off to Concordia University Wisconsin. While there I met Jill. College graduation brought the transition to St. Louis for my Seminary experience. I served a vicarage at Zion Lutheran Church in Matteson, IL. (That is a far south suburb of Chicago.)

I have served Trinity and Zion Lutheran Churches in Sheldon and Gilman, WI. As you can see, I was destined by God to serve yet another Zion!

I have been so excited by the first weeks of this partnership. As I have shared with many of the leaders, I am convinced that the Lord of the Church is going to do great things here. As long as we are faithful to the task that the He has given us, blessing will abound. This faithfulness includes being in Bible Study, worship and being a very regular guestt of the Lord at His Altar. All the while we keep in mind that He is giver of all good gifts. I am a proponet of we as a congregation and individual Christians being faithful with our stewardship of time, talent, Tithe (yes I mean tithe) and testimony of faith. These responses of faith to the goodness of God will lead us to see even greater blessing from God!

Over the time I will be blessed to serve as your pastor, I am convinced that the Lord will do AWESOME things! These AWESOME things will take place in relation to worship attendance and Bible Study, in relation to evangelism and stewardship and, most importantly, in the hearts of each member of the Body of Christ in this place!

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