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January 2009

The Stewardship of Time

by Rev. Nathan Meador

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)

As we start the Year of our Lord 2009, we often turn our attention to time. We ask, “Is it time for a new year again?” The older we get the faster times seems to fly. Time has seemed to increase in value in the 12+ years since my ordination. I used to hear the phrase “I have more time than money.” That is a comment of days long past. In my first parish people would always have more time to offer. But in recent years, it is more likely that members would write a check than serve.

Is this good or bad? Well, that might be a loaded question. It really becomes a matter of our stewardship of time. We talk about stewardship each year. Stewardship is the management of all of life resources for the glory of God. That is so much more than money. This also includes our time. Time is a gift to us from God. How we use our time is a confession of our faith.

Think about that in this month of January. How does your calendar, datebook or PDA testify about your stewardship of time? Is time in the Lord’s house a priority? Or does the Lord get “left over” time in your life? Do you make clear time for regular study of the Word of God? Or is Bible Study squeezed out by your desire for leisure? The answers to these questions and dozens more are STEWARDSHIP questions.

How can we improve our stewardship of time? It is really a matter of asking the Lord to teach us to number our days aright. For our time in this world is fleeting. A day is coming, sooner than we care to admit, when our time in this world will run out. How we respond in faith with our stewardship of time has a huge impact on what that day will be like. So TODAY is the day for you to get number your days. Number Sunday as the FIRST day in your week. First because of importance, not chronology. It is Sunday, the Lord’s day, when you will start to hear of our Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.

In 2009, ask the Lord to grant you the grace to number your days according to HIS will. It is time that is not wasted. It is time that is managed for the Glory of God!

See you in Bible Study AND Worship!

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