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December 2009

Bring on the Blues

by Rev. Joel Fritsche

Dear Saints of Zion,

There are plenty of songs (especially country songs!) that talk about being “blue.” Plenty of us have had days where we’ve felt blue. Being down in the dumps isn’t pleasant. What brings on the blues in your life? We get the blues from failed relationships, disappointments and shattered dreams. Sometimes all it takes is a cold, rainy day.

As I’ve begun to meet some of you, especially as I attend meetings, I get the sense that many at Zion have a little bit of the blues. I understand! There’s plenty of reason to feel blue: a beloved pastor heeded the Lord’s call to another flock, church finances aren’t where we’d necessarily like them to be, school enrollment is down. I suppose the list could go on.

For us Christians, the blues are far too mild a description of what we experience. Daily we encounter the blackness of sin and death. The ones we love are ripped away from us by death’s cold grip. Each of us even stares our own death in the face as we wrestle with the realities of being sinners in a world under the curse of sin. The blues don’t seem too tough compared to that.

In our liturgical life together here at Zion, the blues mean something entirely different. Advent is upon us. And you guessed it. Blue is the color of the season. Blue is the color of hope and anticipation. For you, dear Christian, there is hope because of Christ who came in the flesh to give His own flesh and blood for the life of the world, and that includes you.

Advent draws together our Savior’s coming in human flesh, His coming in Word and Sacrament, and His coming on the Last Day. Advent brings on the blues of hope and anticipation as you prepare your hearts to celebrate Jesus’ birth, to receive His body and blood, and to joyfully welcome Him at His return. So I say, bring on the blues!

You’re already learning how much I love music, so let me take this opportunity to close by pointing you to the many songs (or hymns!) of the church that bring on the blues of Advent. We’ll sing them on the Sundays of Advent and at the special midweek services on Wednesdays at 3:30 & 7PM. If you have a hymnal at home or if you’re sitting in the sanctuary preparing for worship, page through Advent hymns in LSB (331-357). Bring on the blues. Revel in the hope and anticipation of the coming of your Savior!

You are Zion! And you are loved! A blessed Advent season to you all.

In Christ's Love

Pastor Fritsche

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